21314061 Solenoid Volvo.Penta
5.0GXiCE-270-R; 5.0GiCE-225-S, 5.0GXiCE-J; 5.0GXiCE-JF; 5.0GXiCE-M, 5.0GXiCE-P, 5.0GXiE-270-R, 5.0GXiE-JF; 5.0GXiE-J; 5.0OSiE-JF, 5.0GXiE-P, 5.7GiCE-300-J; 5.7GiCE-300-JF; 5.7GXiCE-J, 5.7GiCE-300-P; 5.7GXiCE-P, 5.7GiCE-300-R; 5.7GXiCE-320-R, 5.7GiE-3
Price: query
Compatible models:
5.0GXiCE-270-R; 5.0GiCE-225-S
5.0GXiCE-J; 5.0GXiCE-JF; 5.0GXiCE-M
5.0GXiE-JF; 5.0GXiE-J; 5.0OSiE-JF
5.7GiCE-300-J; 5.7GiCE-300-JF; 5.7GXiCE-J
5.7GiCE-300-P; 5.7GXiCE-P
5.7GiCE-300-R; 5.7GXiCE-320-R
5.7GiE-300-J; 5.7GiE-300-JF; 5.7GXiE-J
5.7GiE-300-P; 5.7GXiE-P
5.7GiE-300-R; 5.7GXiE-320-R
8.1GiCE-J; 8.1GiCE-JF; 8.1GiCE-M
8.1GiCE-P; 8.1GiCE-Q
8.1GiE-JF; 8.1GiE-J; 8.1OSiE-JF
8.1GiE-P; 8.1GXiE-P
D3-110I-D; D3-110I-E; D3-110I-F
D3-110I-G; D3-140A-G; D3-140I-G
D3-110I-H; D3-140A-H; D3-140I-H
V6-240-CE-J; V6-280-CE-J
V8-225-CE-A; V8-300-CE-A; V8-320-CE-A
V8-225-CE-B; V8-300-CE-B; V8-320-CE-B
V8-300-CE-G; V8-300-CE-H; V8-350-CE-G
V8-300-CE-J; V8-350-CE-J
V8-300-E-A; V8-320-E-A
V8-300-E-B; V8-320-E-B
V8-350-CE-D; V8-380-CE-D; V8-430-CE-D
V8-380-CE-G; V8-430-CE-G
Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:
- Valve Body » 21314061
5.0GXiE-JF; 5.0GXiE-J; 5.0OSiE-JF; 5.0OSiE-J; 5.0GXiE-K; 5.0GXiE-KF; 5.0GXiE-M; 5.0GXiE-MF; 5.0GXiE-N
5.7GiCE-300-J; 5.7GiCE-300-JF; 5.7GXiCE-J; 5.7GXiCE-JF; 5.7GiCE-300-M; 5.7GiCE-300-MF; 5.7GXiCE-M; 5.7GXiCE-MF
5.7GiCE-300-P; 5.7GXiCE-P
5.7GiCE-300-R; 5.7GXiCE-320-R
5.7GiE-300-J; 5.7GiE-300-JF; 5.7GXiE-J; 5.7GXiE-JF; 5.7OSiE-300-J; 5.7OSiE-300-JF; 5.7OSXiE-J; 5.7OSXiE-JF; 5.7GiE-300-K; 5.7GiE-300-KF; 5
5.7GiE-300-P; 5.7GXiE-P
5.7GiE-300-R; 5.7GXiE-320-R
8.1GiCE-J; 8.1GiCE-JF; 8.1GiCE-M; 8.1GiCE-MF
8.1GiCE-P; 8.1GiCE-Q
8.1GiE-JF; 8.1GiE-J; 8.1OSiE-JF; 8.1OSiE-J; 8.1GXiE-JF; 8.1GXiE-J; 8.1GiE-K; 8.1GiE-KF; 8.1GXiE-K; 8.1GXiE-KF; 8.1GiE-M; 8.1GiE-MF; 8.1GXiE-
8.1GiE-P; 8.1GXiE-P
D3-110I-D; D3-110I-E; D3-110I-F; D3-140I-E; D3-140I-F; D3-140A-D; D3-140A-E; D3-140A-F; D3-150I-D; D3-150I-E; D3-150I-F; D3-170I-D; D3-170I-
D3-110I-G; D3-140A-G; D3-140I-G; D3-150I-G; D3-170A-G; D3-170I-G; D3-200A-G; D3-200I-G; D3-220A-G; D3-220I-G
D3-110I-H; D3-140A-H; D3-140I-H; D3-150I-H; D3-170A-H; D3-170I-H; D3-200A-H; D3-200I-H; D3-220A-H; D3-220I-H
SX-A; DPS-A; DPS-B; DPS-B1; DPS-A OXi; DPS-B OX; DPS-B1 OX; FWD; SX-A 1.43; SX-A 1.51; SX-A 1.60; SX-A 1.66; SX-A 1.79; SX-A 1.89; SX-A 1.97; S
V6-240-CE-J; V6-280-CE-J
V8-225-CE-A; V8-300-CE-A; V8-320-CE-A
V8-225-CE-B; V8-300-CE-B; V8-320-CE-B
V8-300-CE-G; V8-300-CE-H; V8-350-CE-G; V8-350-CE-H
V8-300-CE-J; V8-350-CE-J
V8-300-E-A; V8-320-E-A
V8-300-E-B; V8-320-E-B
V8-350-CE-D; V8-380-CE-D; V8-430-CE-D
V8-380-CE-G; V8-430-CE-G
These recommendations are subject to change without prior notice. Contact your Cat dealer for the most up to date recommendations.
Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6251, "Cat Commercial Diesel Engine Fluids Recommendations" for additional information.Refer to this Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Severe Service Application" for information about operating an engine in a severe service application.Note: Instructions for the installation of the filter are printed on the side of each Cat spin-on filter. For filters that are not Cat filters, refer to the installation instructions that are provided by the supplier of the filter.Diesel Engine Oil
Cat DEO (Diesel Engine Oil)
Due to significant variations in the quality and in the performance of commercially available oils, Caterpillar makes the following recommendations:
Cat DEO-ULS (Diesel Engine Oil Ultra Low Sulfur) (SAE 5W-40)
Cat DEO-ULS (Diesel Engine Oil Ultra Low Sulfur) (SAE 10W-30)
Cat DEO-ULS (Diesel Engine Oil Ultra Low Sulfur) (SAE 15W-40)Engine Oil
Cat oils have been developed and tested to provide the full performance and life that has been designed and built into Cat engines.
Table 1
Cat Engine Crankcase Fluids (ECF) Definitions
Cat Performance Requirement Cat ECF Specifications Requirements
Cat ECF-3 API CJ-4 Oil Category performance requirements Cat DEO-ULS or oils that meet the Cat ECF-3 specification and the API CJ-4 are required for use in the applications listed below. Cat DEO-ULS and oils meeting Cat ECF-3 specification and the API CJ-4 and ACEA E9 oil categories have been developed with limited sulfated ash, phosphorus, and sulfur. These chemical limits are designed to maintain the expected aftertreatment devices life, performance, and service interval. If oils meeting the Cat ECF-3 specification and the API CJ-4 specifications are not available, oils meeting ACEA E9 may be used. ACEA E9 oils meet the chemical limits designed to maintain aftertreatment device life. ACEA E9 oils are validated using some but not all ECF-3 and API CJ-4 standard engine performance tests. Consult your oil supplier when considering use of an oil that is not Cat ECF-3 or API CJ-4 qualified.Failure to meet the listed requirements will damage aftertreatment equipped engines and can negatively impact the performance of the aftertreatment devices. The Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) will plug sooner and require more frequent DPF ash service intervals.Typical aftertreatment systems include the following:
Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF)
Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOC)
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
Lean NOx Traps (LNT)Other systems may apply.
Table 2
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures
Compartment or System Oil Type and Performance Requirements Oil Viscosities °C °F
Min Max Min Max
Engine Crankcase Cat DEO-ULS Cold Weather SAE 0W-40 −40 40 −40 104
Cat DEO-ULS SYN SAE 5W-40 −30 50 −22 122
Cat DEO-ULS SAE 10W-30 −18 40 0 104
Cat DEO-ULS SAE 15W-40 −9.5 50 15 122
Do not use oil renewal systems in engines equipped with aftertreatment systems. Reduced life or damage to the aftertreatment may occur.
S O S Services Oil Analysis
These recommendations are subject to change without prior notice. Contact your Cat dealer for the most up to date recommendations.
Caterpillar has developed a maintenance tool that evaluates oil degradation. the maintenance management also detects the early signs of wear on internal components. The Cat tool for oil analysis is called S O S Oil Analysis and the tool is part of the S O S Services program. S O S Oil Analysis divides oil analysis into four categories:
Component wear rate
Oil condition
Oil contamination
Identification of oilThese four types of analysis are used to monitor the condition of your equipment. The four types of analysis will also help you identify potential problems. Repair costs may be reduced by a properly administered S O S Oil Analysis program.The S O S Oil Analysis program uses a wide range of tests to determine the condition of the oil and the lubricated compartment. Guidelines that are based on experience and a correlation to failures have been established for these tests. Exceeding one or more of these guidelines could indicate serious fluid degradation or a pending component failure. A trained person at your Cat dealer should make the final analysis.
Always use a designated pump for oil sampling, and use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling. Using the same pump for both types of samples may contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This contaminate may cause a false a
Parts solenoid Volvo Penta:
21314064 Solenoid
5.0GXiCE-270-R; 5.0GiCE-225-S, 5.0GXiCE-J; 5.0GXiCE-JF; 5.0GXiCE-M, 5.0GXiCE-P, 5.0GXiE-270-R, 5.0GXiE-JF; 5.0GXiE-J; 5.0OSiE-JF, 5.0GXiE-P, 5.7GiCE-300-J; 5.7GiCE-300-JF; 5.7GXiCE-J, 5.7GiCE-300-P; 5.7GXiCE-P, 5.7GiCE-300-R; 5.7GXiCE-320-R, 5.7GiE-3
3810300 Solenoid kit
3.0GLM-C; 3.0GLP-C, 3.0GLP-A; 3.0GLP-B; 3.0GLM-A, 3.0GLP-D, 3.0GLP-E, 3.0GLP-J; 3.0GLP-N, 3.0GXiC-J; 3.0GXi-J, 4.3GL-A; 4.3GL-B; 4.3GL-C, 4.3GL-E; 4.3GL-EF, 4.3GL-G; 4.3GL-GF, 4.3GL-J; 4.3GL-JF, 4.3GL-P, 4.3GLPEFS; 4.3GiPEFS, 4.3GXi-225-R; 4.3Gi-200-
3808911 Solenoid valve
3.0GLP-E, 3.0GLP-J; 3.0GLP-N, 3.0GXiC-J; 3.0GXi-J, 4.3GL-A; 4.3GL-B; 4.3GL-C, 4.3GL-E; 4.3GL-EF, 4.3GL-G; 4.3GL-GF, 4.3GXi-F; 4.3GXi-FF; 4.3OSi-F, 4.3GXi-G; 4.3GXi-GF; 4.3OSi-G, 4.3GXi-J; 4.3GXi-JF; 4.3OSi-J, 5.0GL-F; 5.0GL-FF, 5.0GL-H; 5.0GL-HF, 5.0