3838858 Volvo.Penta Starter motor

3838858 Starter motor Volvo.Penta D9A2A; D9A2A D9-425; D9A2A D9-500, D9A2A; D9A2A MG; D9A2A D9A-MG Starter
3838858 Starter motor Volvo Penta

Buy Starter motor 3838858 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 1

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

D9A2A; D9A2A D9-425; D9A2A D9-500; D9A2A D9-500 (R4); D9A2A D9-575; D9A2B D9-425; D9A2B D9-500 (R5); D9A2B D9-575; D9A2C D9-425; D9A2D D9


Illustration 1 g01268763
Place an identification mark on the connecting rod and connecting rod cap (2). The number should match the cylinder number. The bearing retainer notch should be on the right side.
Remove connecting rod cap (2). Remove the lower half of connecting rod bearing (1) from connecting rod cap (2).
Push the piston and connecting rod away from the crankshaft. Remove the upper half of the connecting rod bearing.Note: Careful handling is required for fractured connecting rods. Fractured faces for the connecting rod and connecting rod cap should not be placed on any surface. The connecting rod and the connecting rod cap should be placed on the sides to prevent damage. When possible, the connecting rod and the connecting rod cap should be bolted together to prevent damage.
Remove the piston and connecting rod from the cylinder block.Installation Procedure
Table 1
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 161-4164 Piston Ring Compressor Gp 1
Apply clean engine oil on the following items: the piston, the piston rings, and the cylinder bore.Note: Careful handling is required for fractured connecting rods. Fractured faces for the connecting rod and connecting rod cap should not be placed on any surface. The connecting rod and the connecting rod cap should be placed on the sides to prevent damage. When possible, the connecting rod and the connecting rod cap should be bolted together to prevent damage.
Illustration 2 g01011856
Use Tooling (A) to compress the piston rings.
With the number one crankshaft throw at the bottom center, install the piston and connecting rod in the engine. Ensure that the proper piston and connecting rod are in the corresponding cylinder with the bearing retainer notch toward the right side of the engine.Note: The word "FRONT" may be stamped on the crown of the pistons in some engines. Ensure that the word "FRONT" is toward the front of the engine when the piston is installed. The etched number on the connecting rod must be on the right side of the engine in the corresponding cylinder.
Line up the piston and connecting rod with the crankshaft. Use a soft hammer and tap the piston into the cylinder bore until Tooling (A) comes off the piston.
Before the connecting rod comes in contact with the crankshaft, install the upper half of the connecting rod bearing. Ensure that the bearing tab engages with the slot in the connecting rod.
Apply clean engine oil to the surface of the upper half of the connecting rod bearing. Use a soft hammer to tap the piston into the cylinder bore while you guide the connecting rod onto the crankshaft.
Illustration 3 g01268763
Place the lower half of connecting rod bearing (1) in corresponding connecting rod cap (2). Ensure that the bearing tab engages with the groove in connecting rod cap (2).
Apply clean engine oil to the surface of the lower half of connecting rod bearing (1). Install connecting rod cap (2) on the connecting rod. Ensure that the number on connecting rod cap (2) matches the number on the connecting rod. Ensure that the numbers are on the same side.
Apply clean engine oil on the connecting rod bolts. Install the connecting rod cap bolts. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 130 7 N m (95 5 lb ft).
Place an index mark on each bolt head. Tighten each bolt for an additional 60 5 degrees (1/6 turn).End By:
Install the engine oil pan.
Install the cylinder head.

Parts starter Volvo Penta:

Starter motor, exch
3803847 Starter motor, exch
D11A-A; D11A-B; D11A-C, D9A2A; D9A2A D9-425; D9A2A D9-500, D9A2A; D9A2A MG; D9A2A D9A-MG, TAD940GE; TAD941GE, TAD940VE; TAD941VE; TAD942VE
Starter motor, exch
3801287 Starter motor, exch
D11A-A; D11A-B; D11A-C, D11B1-A MP; D11B2-A MP, D9A2A; D9A2A D9-425; D9A2A D9-500, D9A2A; D9A2A MG; D9A2A D9A-MG, TAD940GE; TAD941GE, TAD940VE; TAD941VE; TAD942VE
3818887 Starter solenoid
D11A-A; D11A-B; D11A-C, D9A2A; D9A2A D9-425; D9A2A D9-500, D9A2A; D9A2A MG; D9A2A D9A-MG, TAD940GE; TAD941GE, TAD940VE; TAD941VE; TAD942VE
3818901 Starter relay
D11A-A; D11A-B; D11A-C, D9A2A; D9A2A D9-425; D9A2A D9-500, D9A2A; D9A2A MG; D9A2A D9A-MG, TAD940GE; TAD941GE, TAD940VE; TAD941VE; TAD942VE
Starter switch, Set
3587070 Starter switch, Set
D11A-A; D11A-B; D11A-C, D11B1-A MP; D11B2-A MP, D11B3-A MP; D11B4-A MP, D12D-A MG; D12D-E MG, D12D-A MH; D12D-B MH; D12D-C MH, D13B-A MP; D13B-B MP; D13B-C MP, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13C1-A MP; D13C2-A MP; D13C3-A MP, D16C-A MH; D16C-
3587071 Starter switch
4.3GXi-G; 4.3GXi-GF; 4.3OSi-G, 4.3GXi-J; 4.3GXi-JF; 4.3OSi-J, 5.0GXi-G; 5.0GXi-GF; 5.0OSi-G, 5.0GXi-J; 5.0GXi-JF; 5.0OSi-J, 5.7Gi-300-J; 5.7Gi-300-JF; 5.7OSi-300-J, 5.7Gi-G; 5.7Gi-GF; 5.7GXi-H, 8.1Gi-H; 8.1Gi-HF; 8.1GXi-G, 8.1Gi-J; 8.1Gi-JF; 8.1OSi-J
Starter switch, key
888001 Starter switch, key
D11B1-A MP; D11B2-A MP, D11B3-A MP; D11B4-A MP, D13B-E MH; D13B-E MH (FE); D13B-N MH, D13C1-A MP; D13C2-A MP; D13C3-A MP, D16C-D MH, D3-110I-A; D3-110I-B; D3-110I-C, D6-300A-F; D6-300D-F; D6-300I-F, D8A1-A MP; D8A2-A MP, D9A2A; D9A2A D9-425; D9A2A D9
Starter motor, exch
3801284 Starter motor, exch
D9A2A; D9A2A D9-425; D9A2A D9-500
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