3858971 Valve Volvo.Penta
4.3GXi-225-R; 4.3Gi-200-R, 4.3GXi-B; 4.3GXi-BF; 4.3OSi-B, 4.3GXi-C; 4.3GXi-CF; 4.3GXi-D, 4.3GXi-E; 4.3GXi-EF; 4.3OSi-E, 4.3GXi-F; 4.3GXi-FF; 4.3OSi-F, 4.3GXi-G; 4.3GXi-GF; 4.3OSi-G, 4.3GXi-J; 4.3GXi-JF; 4.3OSi-J, 4.3GXi-P; 4.3GXi-Q, 4.3GXiE-225-R, 4.

Price: query
Compatible models:
4.3GXi-225-R; 4.3Gi-200-R
4.3GXi-B; 4.3GXi-BF; 4.3OSi-B
4.3GXi-C; 4.3GXi-CF; 4.3GXi-D
4.3GXi-E; 4.3GXi-EF; 4.3OSi-E
4.3GXi-F; 4.3GXi-FF; 4.3OSi-F
4.3GXi-G; 4.3GXi-GF; 4.3OSi-G
4.3GXi-J; 4.3GXi-JF; 4.3OSi-J
4.3GXi-P; 4.3GXi-Q
4.3GXiE-P; 4.3GXiE-Q
5.0GXi-B; 5.0GXi-BF; 5.0OSi-B
5.0GXi-C; 5.0GXi-CF; 5.0GXi-D
5.0GXi-E; 5.0GXi-EF; 5.0OSi-E
5.0GXi-F; 5.0GXi-FF; 5.0OSi-F
5.0GXi-G; 5.0GXi-GF; 5.0OSi-G
5.0GXi-J; 5.0GXi-JF; 5.0OSi-J
5.0GXiC-270-R; 5.0GiC-225-S
5.0GXiC-J; 5.0GXiC-JF; 5.0GiC-J
5.0GXiCE-270-R; 5.0GiCE-225-S
5.0GXiCE-J; 5.0GXiCE-JF; 5.0GXiCE-M
5.0GXiE-JF; 5.0GXiE-J; 5.0OSiE-JF
5.7Gi-300-J; 5.7Gi-300-JF; 5.7OSi-300-J
5.7Gi-300-P; 5.7GXi-P
5.7Gi-300-R; 5.7GXi-320-R
5.7Gi-C; 5.7Gi-CF; 5.7Gi-D
5.7Gi-E; 5.7Gi-EF; 5.7GiI-E
5.7Gi-F; 5.7Gi-FF; 5.7GXi-G
5.7Gi-G; 5.7Gi-GF; 5.7GXi-H
5.7GiC-300-J; 5.7GiC-300-JF; 5.7GXiC-J
5.7GiC-300-P; 5.7GXiC-P
5.7GiC-300-R; 5.7GXiC-320-R
5.7GiCE-300-J; 5.7GiCE-300-JF; 5.7GXiCE-J
5.7GiCE-300-P; 5.7GXiCE-P
5.7GiCE-300-R; 5.7GXiCE-320-R
5.7GiE-300-J; 5.7GiE-300-JF; 5.7GXiE-J
5.7GiE-300-P; 5.7GXiE-P
5.7GiE-300-R; 5.7GXiE-320-R
5.7GiI-F; 5.7GXiI-G
5.7GiI-G; 5.7GXiI-H
V6-200-A; V6-225-A
V8-225-C-A; V8-300-C-A; V8-320-C-A
V8-225-C-B; V8-300-C-B; V8-320-C-B
V8-225-CE-A; V8-300-CE-A; V8-320-CE-A
V8-225-CE-B; V8-300-CE-B; V8-320-CE-B
V8-300-A; V8-320-A
V8-300-B; V8-320-B
V8-300-E-A; V8-320-E-A
V8-300-E-B; V8-320-E-B
Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:
- Fuel System » 3858971
4.3GXi-C; 4.3GXi-CF; 4.3GXi-D; 4.3GXi-DF; 4.3OSi-C; 4.3OSi-CF; 4.3OSi-D; 4.3OSi-DF
4.3GXi-E; 4.3GXi-EF; 4.3OSi-E; 4.3OSi-EF
4.3GXi-F; 4.3GXi-FF; 4.3OSi-F; 4.3OSi-FF
4.3GXi-G; 4.3GXi-GF; 4.3OSi-G; 4.3OSi-GF
4.3GXi-J; 4.3GXi-JF; 4.3OSi-J; 4.3OSi-JF
4.3GXi-P; 4.3GXi-Q
4.3GXiE-P; 4.3GXiE-Q
5.0GXi-B; 5.0GXi-BF; 5.0OSi-B; 5.0OSi-BF; 5.7Gi-B; 5.7Gi-BF; 5.7GXi-C; 5.7GXi-CF; 5.7GiI-B; 5.7GXiI-C; 5.7OSi-A; 5.7OSi-AF; 5.7OSXi-A; 5.7OSX
5.0GXi-C; 5.0GXi-CF; 5.0GXi-D; 5.0GXi-DF; 5.0OSi-C; 5.0OSi-CF; 5.0OSi-D; 5.0OSi-DF
5.0GXi-E; 5.0GXi-EF; 5.0OSi-E; 5.0OSi-EF
5.0GXi-F; 5.0GXi-FF; 5.0OSi-F; 5.0OSi-FF
5.0GXi-G; 5.0GXi-GF; 5.0OSi-G; 5.0OSI-GF
5.0GXi-J; 5.0GXi-JF; 5.0OSi-J; 5.0OSi-JF; 5.0GXi-N
5.0GXiC-270-R; 5.0GiC-225-S
5.0GXiC-J; 5.0GXiC-JF; 5.0GiC-J; 5.0GiC-JF
5.0GXiCE-270-R; 5.0GiCE-225-S
5.0GXiCE-J; 5.0GXiCE-JF; 5.0GXiCE-M; 5.0GXiCE-MF; 5.0GiCE-J; 5.0GiCE-JF; 5.0GiCE-M; 5.0GiCE-MF
5.0GXiE-JF; 5.0GXiE-J; 5.0OSiE-JF; 5.0OSiE-J; 5.0GXiE-K; 5.0GXiE-KF; 5.0GXiE-M; 5.0GXiE-MF; 5.0GXiE-N
5.7Gi-300-J; 5.7Gi-300-JF; 5.7OSi-300-J; 5.7OSi-300-JF; 5.7GXi-J; 5.7GXi-JF; 5.7OSXi-J; 5.7OSXi-JF; 5.7Gi-300-N; 5.7GXi-N
5.7Gi-300-P; 5.7GXi-P
5.7Gi-300-R; 5.7GXi-320-R
5.7Gi-C; 5.7Gi-CF; 5.7Gi-D; 5.7Gi-DF; 5.7GiI-C; 5.7GiI-D; 5.7GXi-D; 5.7GXi-DF; 5.7GXi-E; 5.7GXi-EF; 5.7GXiI-D; 5.7GXiI-E; 5.7OSi-B; 5.7OSi-BF
5.7Gi-E; 5.7Gi-EF; 5.7GiI-E; 5.7GXi-F; 5.7GXi-FF; 5.7GXiI-F; 5.7OSi-D; 5.7OSi-DF; 5.7OSXi-D; 5.7OSXi-DF
5.7Gi-F; 5.7Gi-FF; 5.7GXi-G; 5.7GXi-GF; 5.7OSi-E; 5.7OSi-EF; 5.7OSXi-E; 5.7OSXi-EF
5.7Gi-G; 5.7Gi-GF; 5.7GXi-H; 5.7GXi-HF; 5.7OSi-G; 5.7OSi-GF; 5.7OSXi-G; 5.7OSXi-GF
5.7GiC-300-J; 5.7GiC-300-JF; 5.7GXiC-J; 5.7GXiC-JF
5.7GiC-300-P; 5.7GXiC-P
5.7GiC-300-R; 5.7GXiC-320-R
5.7GiCE-300-J; 5.7GiCE-300-JF; 5.7GXiCE-J; 5.7GXiCE-JF; 5.7GiCE-300-M; 5.7GiCE-300-MF; 5.7GXiCE-M; 5.7GXiCE-MF
5.7GiCE-300-P; 5.7GXiCE-P
5.7GiCE-300-R; 5.7GXiCE-320-R
5.7GiE-300-J; 5.7GiE-300-JF; 5.7GXiE-J; 5.7GXiE-JF; 5.7OSiE-300-J; 5.7OSiE-300-JF; 5.7OSXiE-J; 5.7OSXiE-JF; 5.7GiE-300-K; 5.7GiE-300-KF; 5
5.7GiE-300-P; 5.7GXiE-P
5.7GiE-300-R; 5.7GXiE-320-R
5.7GiI-F; 5.7GXiI-G
5.7GiI-G; 5.7GXiI-H
V6-200-A; V6-225-A
V8-225-C-A; V8-300-C-A; V8-320-C-A
V8-225-C-B; V8-300-C-B; V8-320-C-B
V8-225-CE-A; V8-300-CE-A; V8-320-CE-A
V8-225-CE-B; V8-300-CE-B; V8-320-CE-B
V8-300-A; V8-320-A
V8-300-B; V8-320-B
V8-300-E-A; V8-320-E-A
V8-300-E-B; V8-320-E-B
Table 1
Diagnostic Codes Table
Description Conditions which Generate this Code System Response
190-2 Engine Speed Sensor erratic, intermittent, or incorrect The engine speed signal cannot be detected. The timing gear pattern returns within one second before being lost and the battery voltage is greater than 9 VDC for the last two seconds. The code will be active and logged if the Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects an incorrect signal for one second. The battery voltage is greater than 9 VDC for the last two seconds. The engine speed is set to zero rpm.
The code is logged only if the engine has been running for three seconds.
190-3 Engine Speed Sensor voltage above normal A wire on the engine speed/timing sensor is disconnected and/or broken. There is a short circuit to the +Battery terminal. The engine speed is set to zero rpm.
The code is logged.
190-8 Engine Speed Sensor abnormal frequency, pulse width, or period The engine speed is greater than zero rpm and the pattern from the timing ring is incorrect for five seconds. The engine speed is set to zero rpm.
The code is active.
The code is logged if the pattern from the timing ring returns for five seconds. The ECM provides the engine speed/timing sensor with 12.5 1 VDC. The engine speed/timing sensor provides a pulse signal to the ECM. The signal is created as the timing reference gear rotates past the pickup of the engine speed/timing sensor. The timing reference gear is mounted on the rear of the left camshaft. A unique tooth pattern on the timing reference gear allows the ECM to determine the crankshaft position, rotation, and rpm.The engine speed/timing sensor generates a pulse signal to the ECM as each tooth passes the sensor. The ECM counts the pulses in order to determine the engine rpm. The ECM memorizes the pattern of the pulses. The ECM compares that pattern to a standard pattern in order to determine the crankshaft position. The ECM uses this information to determine the position of the No. 1 cylinder. The ECM then triggers each unit injector to fire in the correct firing order and at the correct time. The actual timing and duration of each injection is determined by the ECM. The ECM uses engine rpm and engine load to determine the timing and duration of injection. The loss of the signal from the engine speed/timing sensor generates an alert on the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET). The loss of the signal from the engine speed/timing sensor triggers the termination of the signals to the fuel injectors by the ECM.Note: If the engine timing gear is installed backward, the diagnostic code 190-08 will be generated. If this code is active, the ECM will not fire the injectors.
Illustration 1 g01241934
Typical schematic
Illustration 2 g01216172
P1 ECM connector
(P1-5) Digital return
(P1-33) Engine speed/timing signal
(P1-40) Engine timing calibration -
(P1-41) Engine timing calibration +
(P1-43) +12.5 V supply
Illustration 3 g01218411
Typical left side view
(1) Engine speed/timing sensor
Illustration 4 g01234146
Location of ECM connectors
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors and Wiring
Remove electrical power from the ECM.
Thoroughly inspect the ECM connectors J1/P1 and J2/P2. Inspect all of the other connectors for the circuit. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Inspecting Electrical Connectors" for details.
Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the wires in the ECM connector that are associated with the circuit.
Check the ECM connector (allen head screw) for the proper torque. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Inspecting Electrical Connectors" for details.
Check the harness and the wiring for abrasion and for pinch points. Expected Result:All connectors, pins, and sockets are completely coupled and/or inserted. The harness and wiring are free of corrosion, of abrasion or of pinch points.Results:
OK - The harness and connectors appear to be OK. Proceed to Test Step 2.
Not OK - There is a problem with the connectors and/or wiring.Repair: Repair the connectors or wiring and/or replace the connectors or wiring. Ensure that all of the seals are properly in place and ensure that the connectors are completely coupled.Verify that the repair eliminates the problem.STOPTest Step 2. Check for an "ACTIVE" or "LOGGED"Diagnostic Code
Connect Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) to the service tool connector.
Restore electrical power to the ECM.
Check the diagnostic codes on Cat ET. Expected Result:No diagnostic codes are active or logged repeatedly.Results:
OK - A diagnostic code for the engine speed/timing sensor is not active or logged repeatedly.Repair: The problem is no longer present. If the problem is intermittent, refer to Troubleshooting, "Inspecting Electrical Connectors".STOP
Not OK - A diagnostic code for the engine speed/timing sensor is active or logged repeatedly. Proceed to Test Step 3.Test Step 3. Check the Supply Voltage to the Sensor
Disconnect the connector for the engine speed/timing sensor.
Restore electrical power to the ECM.
Measure the voltage between terminal A and terminal B at the sensor connector. Expected Result:The supply voltage is 12.5 1 VDC.Results:
OK - The supply voltage is 12.5 1 VDC. Proceed to Test Step 4.
Not OK - The supply voltage is not 12.5 1 VDC. Proceed to Test Step 6.Test Step 4. Check the Signal Voltage at the Sensor
Remove electrical power from the ECM.
Remove the wire from terminal C of the sensor connector.
Restore electrical power to the ECM.
Measure the voltage between the sensor's signal wire and terminal B of the sensor connector. Crank the engine and measure the voltage between the sensor signal wire and terminal B.
Remove electrical power from the ECM.
Reconnect the signal wire. Expected Result:The voltage measures less than 3 VDC or more than 9 VDC when the ECM is powered and the engine is not cranking. While the engine is cranking, the voltage is between 2 VDC and 7 VDC.Note: The voltage output is determined by the presence or the absence of a tooth on the timing gear.Results:
OK - The engine speed/timing sensor is producing the correct output signal. Proceed to Test Step 5.
Not OK - The engine speed/timing sensor is not producing the correct output signal.Repair: Replace the engine speed/timing sensor. Calibrate the sensor. Perform the calibration procedure Troubleshooting, "Engine Speed/Timing Sensor - Calibrate".STOPTest Step 5. Check the Signal Voltage at the ECM
Remove electrical power from
Parts valve Volvo Penta:
3855810 Valve
4.3GL-A; 4.3GL-B; 4.3GL-C, 4.3GL-E; 4.3GL-EF, 4.3GL-G; 4.3GL-GF, 4.3GL-J; 4.3GL-JF, 4.3GL-P, 4.3GLPBYC; 4.3GSPBYC; 4.3GIPBYCCE, 4.3GLPEFS; 4.3GiPEFS, 4.3GLPLKD; 4.3GLPLKE; 4.3GSPLKD, 4.3GLPNCA; 4.3GLPNCB; 4.3GLPNCS, 4.3GLPWTC; 4.3GLPWTR; 4.3GSPWTC, 4
3855808 Valve
4.3GL-A; 4.3GL-B; 4.3GL-C, 4.3GL-E; 4.3GL-EF, 4.3GL-G; 4.3GL-GF, 4.3GL-J; 4.3GL-JF, 4.3GL-P, 4.3GLPBYC; 4.3GSPBYC; 4.3GIPBYCCE, 4.3GLPEFS; 4.3GiPEFS, 4.3GLPLKD; 4.3GLPLKE; 4.3GSPLKD, 4.3GLPNCA; 4.3GLPNCB; 4.3GLPNCS, 4.3GLPWTC; 4.3GLPWTR; 4.3GSPWTC, 4
3857761 Valve
4.3GL-A; 4.3GL-B; 4.3GL-C, 4.3GL-E; 4.3GL-EF, 4.3GL-G; 4.3GL-GF, 4.3GL-J; 4.3GL-JF, 4.3GL-P, 4.3GLPBYC; 4.3GSPBYC; 4.3GIPBYCCE, 4.3GLPEFS; 4.3GiPEFS, 4.3GLPWTC; 4.3GLPWTR; 4.3GSPWTC, 4.3GXi-225-R; 4.3Gi-200-R, 4.3GXi-A, 4.3GXi-B; 4.3GXi-BF; 4.3OSi-B,
3856928 Valve cover
5.0GL-F; 5.0GL-FF, 5.0GL-H; 5.0GL-HF, 5.0GL-J; 5.0GL-JF, 5.0GLPBYC; 5.0GiPBYCCE; 5.7GSPBYC, 5.0GLPEFS; 5.0GiPEFS; 5.7GSPEFS, 5.0GLPWTR; 5.0GiPWTR; 5.7GSIPWTR, 5.0GXi-270-R, 5.0GXi-A; 5.7Gi-A; 5.7GXi-A, 5.0GXi-B; 5.0GXi-BF; 5.0OSi-B, 5.0GXi-C; 5.0GXi-
3856927 Valve cover
5.0GL-F; 5.0GL-FF, 5.0GL-H; 5.0GL-HF, 5.0GL-J; 5.0GL-JF, 5.0GLPBYC; 5.0GiPBYCCE; 5.7GSPBYC, 5.0GLPEFS; 5.0GiPEFS; 5.7GSPEFS, 5.0GLPWTR; 5.0GiPWTR; 5.7GSIPWTR, 5.0GXi-270-R, 5.0GXi-A; 5.7Gi-A; 5.7GXi-A, 5.0GXi-C; 5.0GXi-CF; 5.0GXi-D, 5.0GXi-E; 5.0GXi-
3861989 Valve, PCV
5.0GXi-270-R, 5.0GXi-B; 5.0GXi-BF; 5.0OSi-B, 5.0GXi-C; 5.0GXi-CF; 5.0GXi-D, 5.0GXi-E; 5.0GXi-EF; 5.0OSi-E, 5.0GXi-F; 5.0GXi-FF; 5.0OSi-F, 5.0GXi-G; 5.0GXi-GF; 5.0OSi-G, 5.0GXi-J; 5.0GXi-JF; 5.0OSi-J, 5.0GXi-P, 5.0GXiC-270-R; 5.0GiC-225-S, 5.0GXiC-J;