21939133 Volvo.Penta Wiring harness, extension cable

21939133 Wiring harness, extension cable Volvo.Penta 1372, TAD1170VE; TAD1171VE; TAD1172VE, TAD1371VE; TAD1372VE; TAD1373VE, TAD1670VE; TAD1671VE; TAD1672VE, TAD570VE; TAD571VE; TAD572VE, TAD870VE; TAD871VE; TAD872VE, TWD1672GE; TWD1673GE; TWD1672-1673GE Wiring
21939133 Wiring harness, extension cable Volvo Penta

Buy Wiring harness, extension cable 21939133 Volvo Penta genuine, new aftermarket parts with delivery
Number on catalog scheme: 2

Volvo Penta entire parts catalog list:

TAD1170VE; TAD1171VE; TAD1172VE; TAD1170-72VE
TAD1371VE; TAD1372VE; TAD1373VE; TAD1374VE; TAD1375VE; TAD1371-75VE
TAD1670VE; TAD1671VE; TAD1672VE; TAD1670-72VE
TWD1672GE; TWD1673GE; TWD1672-1673GE


Table 1
Diagnostic Codes Table    
Description    Conditions which Generate this Code    System Response    
E043(1) Low System Voltage Warning     The battery voltage to the ECM is less than normal.     The code is logged.    
168-0 Electrical System Voltage high - most severe (3)     The battery supply voltage is greater than 32 VDC for two seconds.
The engine is not being cranked.    
168-1 Electrical System Voltage low - most severe (3)     The battery supply voltage is less than 9 VDC for two seconds.
The engine is not being cranked.    
168-2 Electrical System Voltage erratic, intermittent, or incorrect     The engine is running. The battery voltage falls below 9 VDC for at least .06 seconds. The voltage returns above 9 VDC.
Three voltage readings in the last seven seconds were below 9 VDC.    The Engine Control Switch (ECS) sends a signal to the keyswitch input of the ECM that tells the ECM the position of the switch. When the ECM senses battery voltage to the keyswitch input of the ECM, the ECM will power up. The keyswitch input receives battery voltage when the ECS is in the AUTO, RUN or STOP mode. When the ECS is in the OFF/RESET position, voltage is not present on P1-70 and the ECM will power down. Cycling power to the keyswitch input of the ECM will reset the ECM and all active diagnostic codes. In addition to turning the ECS to the OFF/RESET position, the operator must manually open the air shutoff valves before starting the engine.The presence of three +Battery connections and three −Battery connections to the ECM reduce harness resistance. All of these connections must be complete in order to ensure proper engine operation.The electrical power for the generator set control comes through a 20 amp circuit breaker to the relay module and to the high voltage ground.
Illustration 1 g01443822
Typical example
Illustration 2 g01444508
Location of the ECM connectors (1) J2/P2 ECM connectors (2) J1/P1 ECM connectors
Illustration 3 g01443785
P1 ECM connector (P1-21) Start/Run/Stop1 (P1-22) Start/Run/Stop2 (P1-23) E-Stop signal 1 (P1-28) E-Stop signal 2 (P1-52) +Battery (P1-53) +Battery (P1-55) +Battery (P1-63) -Battery (P1-65) -Battery (P1-67) -Battery (P1-70) Keyswitch
Illustration 4 g01443788
Generator connector (4) Auxiliary power (5) Auxiliary power (16) Start/Run/Stop1 (16) Start/Run/Stop2 (17) E-Stop signal 2 (18) Keyswitch (19) E-Stop signal 1 (39) -Battery (40) -BatteryTest Step 1. Inspect the Electrical Connectors and Wiring
Turn the ECS to the OFF/RESET position. Turn the main disconnect switch to the OFF position.
Thoroughly inspect the ECM connectors. Inspect all of the other connectors for the circuit. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors - Inspect" for details.
Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the wires in the ECM connector that are associated with the circuit.
Check the ECM connector (allen head screw) for the proper torque. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors - Inspect" for details.
Check the harness and the wiring for abrasion and for pinch points.Expected Result:All connectors, pins, and sockets are completely coupled and/or inserted. The harness and wiring are free of corrosion, of abrasion, and of pinch points.Results:
OK - The connectors and wiring are OK. Proceed to Test Step 2.
Not OK - There is a problem in the connectors and/or wiring.Repair: Repair the connectors or wiring and/or replace the connectors or wiring. Ensure that all of the seals are properly in place and ensure that the connectors are completely coupled.Verify that the repair eliminates the problem.STOPTest Step 2. Check the Battery Voltage
Measure no-load voltage at the battery posts. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting for the proper procedures to check the batteries.
Load test the batteries. Use the 4C-4911 Battery Load Tester. Refer to the Operating Manual, SEHS9249. Refer to Special Instruction, SEHS7633.Expected Result:The no-load voltage at the batteries is at least 23.5 VDC, and the batteries pass the load test.Results:
OK - The no-load voltage at the batteries is at least 23.5 VDC, and the batteries pass the load test. Proceed to Test Step 3.
Not OK - The no-load voltage at the batteries is less than 23.5 VDC, and/or the batteries fail the load test.Repair: The batteries or the alternator are causing the problem. Recharge the batteries or replace the batteries. Verify that the original condition is resolved. Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting for information on the charging system.STOPTest Step 3. Check the Voltage to the ECM
Remove ECM connector J1/P1.
Turn the main disconnect switch to the ON position. Turn the ECS to the STOP position.
Measure the voltage between P1-52 (unswitched +Battery) and P1-63 (−Battery).
Measure the voltage between P1-53 (unswitched +Battery) and P1-65 (−Battery).
Measure the voltage between P1-55 (unswitched +Battery) and P1-67 (−Battery).
Measure the voltage between P1-70 (keyswitch) and P1-63 (−Battery).
Turn the ECS to the OFF/RESET mode. Turn the main disconnect switch to the OFF position.
Reconnect ECM connector J1/P1.Expected Result:The voltage is 24 3 VDC.Results:
OK - The ECM is receiving the correct voltage.Repair: If an intermittent condition is suspected, refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors - Inspect".STOP
Not OK - The voltage is not 24 3 VDC. Proceed to Test Step 4.Test Step 4. Check the Output Voltage of the ECM Relay
Turn the main disconnect switch to the ON position. Turn the ECS to the STOP position.
Measure the voltage between terminal 87A of the ECM relay and the minus battery terminal of the power distribution box.Expected Result:The voltage is 24 3 VDC.Results:
OK - The voltage is 24 3 VDC.Repair: The problem is in the wiring and/or connectors between the ECM relay and the ECM. Use continuity checks in order to find the open or the short in the harness.STOP
Not OK - The voltage is not 24 3 VDC. Proceed to Test Step 5.Test Step 5. Check the Supply Voltage of the ECM Relay
Measure the voltage between terminal 3

Parts wiring Volvo Penta:

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