821945A28 CABLE ASSEMBLY-Hi Tension Force
H040312RD, H0407E92C, H0706A91B, H090312RD, H0903E91H, H1201A90A, H120412RD, H1501E89A
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- IGNITION COMPONENTS (SER.# E039024,E093699) » 821945A28
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Using The ECAP Or DDT To Display ACTIVE Codes:
A. With key OFF, install an ECAP or DDT into the PEEC system.B. Turn key ON or start engine.C. Refer to the Operating Manual and Special Instructions for the service tool (listed under PEEC Service Tools) to read the diagnostic code(s). On the ECAP, the display menu will direct you to the proper screen to display diagnostic messages.Using The Cruise Control Switches To Display ACTIVE Codes:
A. Turn key ON or start engine.B. The Diagnostic Lamp will turn ON for five seconds, blink OFF, turn ON again for five seconds, then OFF for five seconds. At the end of that time, the lamp will begin to flash the first number of the two-digit code (count the flashes). After two seconds OFF, it will begin to flash the second digit. If two or more codes are present, they will follow the first after a few seconds and be displayed in the same manner.C. Diagnostic codes may be displayed at any time by using the cruise control switches. With key ON or engine running, turn the cruise control ON/OFF switch to OFF, and move the SET/RESUME switch to RESUME position. Once the code(s) begin to flash, the switch may be released.The cruise control switches will flash out all codes that are currently ACTIVE, or that have been ACTIVE since the key was turned ON.LOGGED Diagnostic Codes
When the ECM generates a diagnostic code, it usually logs the code in permanent memory within the personality module (ONLY on engines equipped with personality modules equipped with permanent fault logging; those produced since April, 1989). The time the code occurred (in hours on the internal diagnostic clock) is logged along with the code. The logged codes can then be later retrieved or erased using an ECAP or DDT service tool. They can be a valuable indicator when troubleshooting intermittent problems.PEEC must be out of Cold Mode at least one minute before logging will begin (10 seconds for Personality Modules built after April 1990). In addition, PEEC must see the conditions go from GOOD to BAD before the code is logged (although effective with the May 1990 Personality Modules, any code that is ACTIVE when logging begins is permanently logged).When investigating LOGGED diagnostic codes, keep in mind:* Some codes may be sensitive, and may log occurrences that did not result in driver complaints. If the time the code was logged does NOT correlate to a complaint, there may be nothing to fix.* The most likely cause of an intermittent problem is connections or damaged wiring. Next likely is the component (sensor or BTM, for instance). Least likely is the ECM itself.* Some codes represent "events", not failures. These codes are Diagnostic Code 01 (Override Of Idle Shutdown Timer), Diagnostic Code 41 (Vehicle Overspeed), Diagnostic Code 47 (Idle Shutdown Timer), or Diagnostic Code 48 (Excessive Engine Power). Passwords are required to clear these faults from the log. A LOGGED Code 48 also limits the engine to 1350 rpm (in gear) until it is cleared. Diagnostic Code 48 requires Factory Passwords to clear. Customer Passwords are required to clear other diagnostic codes.* Diagnostic Codes logged repeatedly may indicate a problem that needs investigation, while codes logged only a few times may be ignored.* Some diagnostic codes are not intentionally logged. These codes are 00 (undefined code), 31 and 57 (33, 34 and 35 are also not intentionally logged on Personality Modules built prior to May 1990). Any occurrence of these codes would be caused by voltage spikes in the vehicle wiring. Voltage spikes can scramble the memory used by the Personality Module. In this case, isolate the cause of the spike (typically solenoids or relay coils, and inhibit the spike by installing a diode across the coil.To troubleshoot a logged diagnostic code, refer to the procedure in this manual for troubleshooting the specific code first (see section 3: Troubleshooting Diagnostic Codes). If symptoms continue, use the procedure for troubleshooting symptoms (see Section 4: Troubleshooting Without A Diagnostic Code).Diagnostic Code 01 Override of Idle Shutdown Timer
Conditions Which Generate This Code:
The clutch pedal or service brake pedal is pressed within the last 90 seconds before the timer shuts down the engine, while the Diagnostic Lamp is flashing.System Response:
1. Diagnostic Code 01 is not displayed on the Diagnostic Lamp, but is LOGGED in memory. Customer passwords are required to clear this code from the permanent log.2. The idle shutdown timer stops counting, and will not shut down the engine until activated again.Troubleshooting:
Diagnostic Code 01 does NOT indicate a PEEC fault. It only records a normal driver override of the idle shutdown timer.Diagnostic Code 21 Sensor Supply Voltage Fault
Conditions Which Generate This Code:
The ECM detects a fault in the 8 volt sensor supply circuit. The ECM also uses the 8 volt sensor supply for its internal circuits. Therefore, if the 8 sensor supply is shorted to ground, the ECM becomes inoperative and is unable to detect the short circuit.System Response:
1. The code is current (Diagnostic Lamp, ECAP, or DDT) and is LOGGED in memory.2. The rack and timing BTMs and the shutoff solenoid are disabled. The engine will be shut down.Troubleshooting:
Follow P-221: Sensor Supply Voltage Test, in this manual.Diagnostic Code 22 Rack Position Sensor Fault
Conditions Which Generate This Code:
A. With key OFF, install an ECAP or DDT into the PEEC system.B. Turn key ON or start engine.C. Refer to the Operating Manual and Special Instructions for the service tool (listed under PEEC Service Tools) to read the diagnostic code(s). On the ECAP, the display menu will direct you to the proper screen to display diagnostic messages.Using The Cruise Control Switches To Display ACTIVE Codes:
A. Turn key ON or start engine.B. The Diagnostic Lamp will turn ON for five seconds, blink OFF, turn ON again for five seconds, then OFF for five seconds. At the end of that time, the lamp will begin to flash the first number of the two-digit code (count the flashes). After two seconds OFF, it will begin to flash the second digit. If two or more codes are present, they will follow the first after a few seconds and be displayed in the same manner.C. Diagnostic codes may be displayed at any time by using the cruise control switches. With key ON or engine running, turn the cruise control ON/OFF switch to OFF, and move the SET/RESUME switch to RESUME position. Once the code(s) begin to flash, the switch may be released.The cruise control switches will flash out all codes that are currently ACTIVE, or that have been ACTIVE since the key was turned ON.LOGGED Diagnostic Codes
When the ECM generates a diagnostic code, it usually logs the code in permanent memory within the personality module (ONLY on engines equipped with personality modules equipped with permanent fault logging; those produced since April, 1989). The time the code occurred (in hours on the internal diagnostic clock) is logged along with the code. The logged codes can then be later retrieved or erased using an ECAP or DDT service tool. They can be a valuable indicator when troubleshooting intermittent problems.PEEC must be out of Cold Mode at least one minute before logging will begin (10 seconds for Personality Modules built after April 1990). In addition, PEEC must see the conditions go from GOOD to BAD before the code is logged (although effective with the May 1990 Personality Modules, any code that is ACTIVE when logging begins is permanently logged).When investigating LOGGED diagnostic codes, keep in mind:* Some codes may be sensitive, and may log occurrences that did not result in driver complaints. If the time the code was logged does NOT correlate to a complaint, there may be nothing to fix.* The most likely cause of an intermittent problem is connections or damaged wiring. Next likely is the component (sensor or BTM, for instance). Least likely is the ECM itself.* Some codes represent "events", not failures. These codes are Diagnostic Code 01 (Override Of Idle Shutdown Timer), Diagnostic Code 41 (Vehicle Overspeed), Diagnostic Code 47 (Idle Shutdown Timer), or Diagnostic Code 48 (Excessive Engine Power). Passwords are required to clear these faults from the log. A LOGGED Code 48 also limits the engine to 1350 rpm (in gear) until it is cleared. Diagnostic Code 48 requires Factory Passwords to clear. Customer Passwords are required to clear other diagnostic codes.* Diagnostic Codes logged repeatedly may indicate a problem that needs investigation, while codes logged only a few times may be ignored.* Some diagnostic codes are not intentionally logged. These codes are 00 (undefined code), 31 and 57 (33, 34 and 35 are also not intentionally logged on Personality Modules built prior to May 1990). Any occurrence of these codes would be caused by voltage spikes in the vehicle wiring. Voltage spikes can scramble the memory used by the Personality Module. In this case, isolate the cause of the spike (typically solenoids or relay coils, and inhibit the spike by installing a diode across the coil.To troubleshoot a logged diagnostic code, refer to the procedure in this manual for troubleshooting the specific code first (see section 3: Troubleshooting Diagnostic Codes). If symptoms continue, use the procedure for troubleshooting symptoms (see Section 4: Troubleshooting Without A Diagnostic Code).Diagnostic Code 01 Override of Idle Shutdown Timer
Conditions Which Generate This Code:
The clutch pedal or service brake pedal is pressed within the last 90 seconds before the timer shuts down the engine, while the Diagnostic Lamp is flashing.System Response:
1. Diagnostic Code 01 is not displayed on the Diagnostic Lamp, but is LOGGED in memory. Customer passwords are required to clear this code from the permanent log.2. The idle shutdown timer stops counting, and will not shut down the engine until activated again.Troubleshooting:
Diagnostic Code 01 does NOT indicate a PEEC fault. It only records a normal driver override of the idle shutdown timer.Diagnostic Code 21 Sensor Supply Voltage Fault
Conditions Which Generate This Code:
The ECM detects a fault in the 8 volt sensor supply circuit. The ECM also uses the 8 volt sensor supply for its internal circuits. Therefore, if the 8 sensor supply is shorted to ground, the ECM becomes inoperative and is unable to detect the short circuit.System Response:
1. The code is current (Diagnostic Lamp, ECAP, or DDT) and is LOGGED in memory.2. The rack and timing BTMs and the shutoff solenoid are disabled. The engine will be shut down.Troubleshooting:
Follow P-221: Sensor Supply Voltage Test, in this manual.Diagnostic Code 22 Rack Position Sensor Fault
Conditions Which Generate This Code:
Parts cable Force:
56762 CABLE TIE (4")
H005201RS, H005201SD, H005201TS, H005201UD, H0052C88A, H0091H84D, H009201RS, H009201SD, H009201UD, H009201US, H0092284D, H0092H84L, H0092S88A, H0092S91A, H0093S91A, H015201RS, H015201US, H015211SS, H0152C84K, H0152S89A, H025201RD, H025201TD, H025201T
816311 CABLE TIE (8")
H0091H84D, H009201RS, H009201SD, H009201UD, H009201US, H0092284D, H0092H84L, H0092S88A, H0092S91A, H0093S91A, H015201RS, H015201US, H015211SS, H0152C84K, H0152S89A, H025201RD, H025201TD, H025201TS, H025201US, H040312RD, H040312SD, H040312UD, H0407E92
88807A29 CABLE ASSEMBLY (Black)
H040312RD, H0407E92C, H0706A91B, H090312RD, H0903E91D, H0903E91H, H090LD90B, H090LD91D, H1201A90A, H120412RD, H120LD91B, H120LD91D, H120LD92B, H1501E89A
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